Hey Blossoms! Have you been feeling a little down in the dumps? Questioning and seconding guessing yourself? Feeling a little lost, and doubt is living in your head rent free? Yes I get it, I too have been here (and still hit patches like this every now and then!). Listen up, we have to change that way of thinking. We have to make some internal corrections and do a little bit of rewiring.
Overtime constantly engaging in toxic habits will have a very negative effect on your mental and physical being. It is truly like a chain reaction. The constant barrage of this type of behavior can set us back from succeeding, and baby we don’t need that okay!The things we do and say to ourselves our souls don’t know the difference. When you are constantly putting yourself down, even when joking it can take a toll. Believe it or not this type of behavior holds us back from being our best selves. By eliminating this type of behavior we will rise up, improve our self esteem, and confidence. I am going to share 7 Habits that are holding you back from becoming your best self!
Ignoring Self Care
You need to make time for yourself to unwind and relax. Self care isn’t just about getting pampered but doing things that make you happy, This can be working out, reading your favorite book, or any hobby that brings you joy. Remember you need an outlet to be creative or just to let off steam. By not taking time out to relax you are allowing your stress to build up. I know when I allow things to be pent up too long the dumbest thing can set me off (cue ugly Kim K crying face here.) and let the tears fall. If we are mindful we can avoid these little mental breakdowns.
Comparing Yourself To Others
Comparison is the thief of joy. Read that again, and one more time for good measure. Remember you can not compare your chapter 3 to someone’s chapter 13. Comparison can create a negative mindset which can effect the way you act and think. Remember to be proud of yourself! Celebrate your wins, accomplishments, and progress no matter how small.
Not Believing In Yourself
When you look in the mirror you need to remind yourself you are the sugar honey ice tea! You can and will achieve the things you put your mind to! I myself believe life is not a race but indeed a marathon. You need to focus on your own lane and the things that you are trying to accomplish. You are good enough and are deserving of the things and life you want. No questions asked!
If you are feeling jealous or negative about someone else, you may be projecting. Think about why you really feel that way, and what you can change to get to where you need to be. Also be mindful about social media. Many people are only sharing the highlights of their lives. You are not seeing their lows, everything is not sunshine and ice cream I promise you that.
Spending Time With Unsupportive & Negative People
Listen you are as good as the company you keep. Do you have someone in your life who always puts you down? Do they not respect your feelings or emotions? It’s time to be better about setting your boundaries and giving these people limited access to you. These people are causing you stress and anxiety, they make you constantly second guess yourself or reevaluate your goals.
Unsupportive people will only affect your confidence and self worth. Truthfully these frenemies just do not want to see you do better than them. They get comfort knowing that you are not doing well. It’s okay to out grow people, not all friendships are meant to last forever, not all people are meant to stay around.
I think we are all guilty of this one. Sometimes we procrastinate because we are unhappy, or just sad. Truthfully most of the time we procrastinate due to being afraid of failing. However we need to realize there is a beauty in failing. We learn so much knowledge along the way, and we can learn what to do better the next time around.
To stop procrastination we need to learn how to build better habits and stay on track. Also we need to offer ourselves a little reward as balance. The sooner we stop procrastination the further we can get ahead.
Putting Yourself Down
When you say things about yourself like “I’m so stupid” , or “I am so ugly” even as joking you are still doing harm. This is seen as self-sabotage which will begin to cause
self doubt. See when we say things enough, usually it starts to resonate and we believe them. We need to be better about practicing kindness with ourselves. We should start replacing those phrases with more positive ones. Remember you are smart, you are beautiful, you are amazing! Giving yourself this kind of self love will do amazing things for your confidence and self esteem.
Dwelling On The Past and Not Forgiving Yourself
If you are constantly thinking about every mistake you have made you will never move forward. This can completely halt us from making any progress. We can not change the things that happened in the past, but we can for sure learn from them. Everything in life is a lesson and teachable moment. We can walk away knowing we can do better and will be better. Don’t waste your energy on should have, could have, would have. Just know you now obtain the knowledge to move differently.
Focus on your achievements and all that you have done. You did not come this far to get this far. Don’t punish yourself or get down on yourself because you didn’t get something done. Instead look at all of the work you put in to reach this point.
Do you struggle with any of these habits? Did I miss any habits? If so I would love to hear from you in the comments. Don’t forget to follow me on IG my handle is Itsnancykimberley !
better habits build better habits confidence mental health personal growth productivity self esteem Self improvement self love Selfcare stop toxic habits