Summer is almost here! Out with the old, and in with the new. Time to put the all winter items away and make room for everything bright and airy. Every time Summer rolls around I use this as the perfect opportunity to purge my closet, room, and workspace. Not only is this a refreshing process, but it will get you help you stay on track with any on going goals, projects, or new tasks you may have.
As we get ready to start clearing out and cleaning up I’ve listed a few tips for you below to make things a breeze!
Set a time and make a plan
You need to be prepared before you just jump in and get it done. Block off a few hours and make a running list of areas that will need your concentration. This process can get a little overwhelming for some, and you may need multiple days to get it all done. However if you plan ahead, make a schedule, and have an idea it will make it a much easier process.
Your plan should start with the areas that are involved most in your day to day. For example. My beauty desk & closet at home are top of the list. These two areas are in some great need of decluttering and clearing of old clothes and product. Also another great place would be your kitchen, you can break this one up into sections such as the pantry, and then to address the cupboards. Lastly you, can schedule a day and deep clean for the fridge.
Remove it all
Yes that’s right, we are taking it all out. We will clear everything from the area that we are working on, For example, we should empty the closet completely, you may be shocked at what you find from years or even decades ago. Also once it is empty, you can then give it a good and very nice deep clean! Dust, vacuum, and sweep it all up!
Time To Declutter and Clear
Review the old clothing and shoes and start setting aside the things you no longer wish to own. Also start to remove items that you can see no longer serve a purpose in your life (that means anything from an ex etc, come one girl we moving on!) Start reviewing if the items can be repaired or worn again for another season. If they have become raggedy and are no longer functional remove them, the items are wasting much needed space.
As your clearing the closet this may also be a great time to earn some extra income. You can decide to list clothes on Poshmark, Ebay, Facebook Marketplace, or check with a local consignment shop as they also may be interested in purchasing some of the items. You also have the choice to donate the items as well to your local shelter, or salvation army too,
Time to Organize
Start putting things back into the closet. Personally I like to organize my items by sections. In the sections I will have jackets, jumpsuits, dresses, jeans, and shirts. Eventually when I get a larger closet we will break this down into colors. Which will make it easier to select based on hue.
After everything is back into the closet we can now decide if we should purchase some storage pieces. Storage pieces make everything easier to put back into their respective spots within the closet. Do not buy any storage pieces until you have reorganized and decluttered first, this way you can see what is able to fit. Some great places for storage pieces are Ikea, and Amazon.
Evaluate Your Summer Declutter and Clearing
Our last step is to evaluate our summer clearing and declutter. Let’s take a moment to see how our new organized space works in our day to day lives. Lets be real, no organized space is self maintaining, but a well organized space is one where things are able to be easily returned to their spots. If you still feel it isn’t working you may need to revisit and remove more items, or change your set up to fit your needs.
Who is feeling inspired to get in the trenches and handle this Summer declutter and clear out like a boss??!! If you have any other tips to get organized leave them below! We would love to hear them all! Also, come see me on instagram at itsnancykimberley